12 August, 2015    Palm Beach FL , Vereinigte Staaten
Pivot Tables: Microsoft Excel's Instant Report WriterPivot Tables Instructor: David H. Ringstrom Product ID: 500944 Description In this presentation Excel expert David H. Ringstrom, CPA helps you understand both the nuances and the power of pivot tables in Excel. Pivot tables are one of Microsoft Excel's least understood, yet most powerful features. With just a few mouse clicks you can instantly create reports from voluminous lists of data. Instead of trying to manually pore through data by sorting or filtering, you can quickly create a summary format that you rearrange by simply dragging and dropping field names on the screen. Of course there's a minor catch, you do have to structure your data properly otherwise your report will either be incomplete, or may return the count of the records displayed instead of summing. Areas Covered Learn the basics of pivot table creation Avoid frustration by understanding the nuances of pivot table formatting Dig deeper into the numbers by using the Report Filter command to create break-out tables Disable the GETPIVOTDATA function if you don't need it for your analysis Discover the recommended pivot tables feature in Excel 2013 and later Drill down into numbers with a double-click--or prevent users from being able to do so Filter data faster by way of the Slicers feature in Excel 2010 and later Incorporate calculations within, or alongside, pivot tables Learn how to utilize the PowerPivot feature in Excel 2010 and later Mitigate the side effects of converting a table back to a normal range of cells Quickly summarize complex data sets with Excel's Pivot Chart feature Quickly whip unwieldy data into the format required for pivot table analysis See how pivot tables differ from worksheet formulas and the importance of the Refresh command See how the table feature can vastly improve the integrity of pivot tables in Excel See the nuances of subtotaling data within a pivot table Summarize information from Access databases and other


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