September 16 - 20, 2013    Vladivostok , Russland
on GraphiCon'2013 - leading annual international conference on computer graphics and vision in Russia, which will be first held in 2013 in the Far East of Russia. 23rd Conference will take at the Far Eastern Federal University, located in Vladivostok on the Island Russky. The same time with the conference will be held the school of young scientists.

What is GraphiCon:

Actual subjects and broad geographic coverage in Russia
Range the participants from students to professionals
Wide variety of applications relating to all spheres of human activity
Effective interaction of domestic and foreign researchers, science, higher education, manufacturing and business.


Location: Far Eastern Federal University
Kontaktieren 56 Aleutskaya St., Office 514 690950 Russia Vladivostok , Russia
+7 (423) 245 94 03

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