July 18 - 20, 2013    Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt , Vietnam
"LIGHTING VIETNAM 2013" will be added as new topic and concurrently held with VICB 2013 to cope the tremendous demand of lighting products in Vietnam.

The Vietnam lighting market is basically powered by the country's building and construction industries. Latest figure revealed by the Vietnam General Statistic Office confirmed that the construction sector contributes to 6.4% of the country's GDP in 2010 with a year-on year growth of 9.9%.

The gradual urbanization together with the fast economic growth has greatly stimulated the demand of lighting products and project both indoor and outdoor, in various sectors, to make the Vietnam’s lighting market entering a golden age.

Lighting account for 35% of energy consumption in Vietnam now, it is nearly double in percentage compared with other countries. Therefore, more use of energy efficient products in Vietnam would help the country cope with future electricity shortages.

With the government support, Vietnam has rolled out to the "GREEN" lighting in line with the global trend of energy & cost saving in the fields of street and indoor lighting, transportation sector, interior & exterior decorative, residential, office, retail Areas and industrial parks.

Currently, 70% of the lighting products in Vietnam are imported from foreign countries like USA, Japan, Germany, UK, Italy, Korea, Taiwan, China, while a number of Vietnamese manufacturers produce and supply lighting products only for domestic and a small portion for export. The annual lighting market in Vietnam is estimated at an average (6%) of US$280 million in 2010 and doubled by 2014. Vietnam's lighting industry is considered as a multibillion dollar market potential.


Location: Saigon Exhibition & Convention Center
The SECC is an international standard facility capable of satisfying the requirements of national and international conventions, large scale public and trade exhibitions, corporate meetings and..
Kontaktieren 799 Nguyen Van Linh ,Dist 7, HoChiMinh City Vietnam Ho chi Minh City , Vietnam
(84-4) 3573 6728 / 9

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