November 16 - 18, 2011    Seoul , Korea
RFID/USN has realized the ubiquitous society, the future we used to see in movies. In 2011, the 7th RFID/USN International Conference will be held which has established itself as a world class conference in the field introducing the latest technologie, market trends and standardization cases in RFID/USN which is one of the core foundations for ubiquitous industry. In RFID/USN Korea 2011 International Conference, world's known scholars, businessmen and expert in RFID/USN will share the knowledge and information on various themes with you and thus provide you the opportunity to be a global leader in u- IT era.


Location: COEX
COEX is prominent landmark in Seoul. Located in the central business area, COEX is a destination for business, shopping, entertainment, and more. With a world-class convention and exhibition center,..
Kontaktieren WTC, 159, Samsung-Dong, Gangnam-gu 135-731, Republic Seoul , Korea