September 6 - 8, 2011    Hardenberg , Niederlande
For three days, strengthen your brand image? New contacts in the technical industrial sector? Then the TIV trade fair for you with the full service concept, good price / quality ratio and a cozy atmosphere, is the TIV Hardenberg eminently fair for a company to show your face, or as a visitor to enter into a conversation with a of the more than 400 interesting companies. Thanks to the personal nature of this exhibition, you can in a relaxed atmosphere to work on building new relationships and maintaining existing relationships.


Location: Evenementenhal Hardenberg
Hardenberg event is the first establishment of Evenementenhal Holding BV die haar deuren geopend heeft voor expositie van vakbeurzen en evenementen. Holding BV, which opened its doors for exhibition..
Kontaktieren Energieweg 2 7772 TV Hardenberg , Netherlands
+31 (0)523/289898

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