June 6 - 8, 2011    rom , Italien
Dirty Systems are those that are complex, undocumented and have unknown defect levels and architecture. These are challenging systems to maintain and test because over time they grow old and fragile.

In this course, based on the book by Randall W. Rice and William E. Perry of the same title, you will learn a process for how to gain understanding of a Dirty System, plan and design effective tests, and ultimately improve or clean the system based on what is learned in testing.

Testing Dirty Systems is based on a six-step process that takes from software discovery through test planning and design, test execution, test analysis and reporting, and finally, clean-up. You will leave with knowledge of how tools can help you understand and test Dirty Systems and how to deal with special testing challenges in Dirty Systems.

What you will learn

-Learn how to improve Dirty Systems and reduce the total cost of maintenance and the risk of failures
-Learn how to find costly and embarrassing problems before your customers find them
-Understand the key issues in testing Dirty Systems
-Learn how to design tests that adequately cover undocumented requirements and Business events
-Advance your career by reinforcing your testing expertise


Location: Visconti Palace Hotel
Kontaktieren Via Federico Cesi, 37 00193 Roma (RM) Rome , Italy

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