May 16 - 19, 2011    Jeju , Korea
As a result of our deliberations the 2008 Asia-Pacific EMC (APEMC) Sympsoium has been taken place in Singapore from May 19-22, 2008. This is a major step towards a high-quality, international Asia-Pacific EMC symposium addressing the needs of a rising EMC community in the region, fostering its link to the world and promoting excellence among its members. The 2008 APEMC in Singapore demonstrated the scientific excellence, openness and outreach to the industry with over 450 delegates from over 30 countries or regions and 35 exhibitors. It now became one of the major EMC events in the world in parallel to IEEE EMC in States and Euro-EMC in Europe.


Location: Ramada Plaza Jeju
Kontaktieren 1255 Samdo 2 Dong , 690 736 KR Jeju , Korea