1 July, 2015    伯明翰 , 英国
We will arrive ready for a full english breakfast at 7:30am.

After breakfast everyone will get an opportunity to give a 60 second talk about what kind of business they are looking for.

There will then be a prayer of blessing over everybody and their business. After this will be a 15 minute intensive networking slot whereby business will be referred and relationships will be started.

Following on from the emphasis on networking we have two mini-workshops. The first is usually more educational whereby you will learn strategies and be given tools in order to be effective and successful in your field. The second workshop tends to be more inspirational. Here you will be reminded of your life purpose and inspired to live with meaning, love and passion. We regulary have top international guest speakers so book on and be surprised at how much you learn and how many contacts you make.

Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Meetup & Networking.

Event Time: 7:30 am - 10:00 am.

Artists / Speakers: Samuel Leeds.

Facebook: http://atnd.it/27432-0
Twitter: http://atnd.it/27432-1
Website: http://atnd.it/27432-2
YouTube: http://atnd.it/27432-3
Tickets: http://atnd.it/27432-4

Breakfast Networking: GBP 25.


Location: Birmingham City Football Club
联系 St. Andrews Stadium, B9 4RL, United Kingdom Birmingham , United Kingdom
+44 121 202 5265


Training Kings
Unit 9, 97 Rickman Dr, Birmingham B15 2AN
01922 276002
