March 17 - 18, 2016
HPLC 2016 congress organizing committee invites analytical expertise, researchers, professors, scientific communities, delegates, students, business professionals and executives to attend the “International Conference and Exhibition on Advances in HPLC and Chromatography Techniques” which is to be held during March 17-18, 2016 at London, UK.

In the light of this theme, the conference series aims to provide a forum for international researchers from various areas of analytical chemistry, pharmacy, pharmacology, bioinformatics and other life science groups by providing a platform for critical analysis of new data, and to share latest cutting-edge research findings and results about all aspects regarding advances in HPLC and Chromatography techniques.

The conference provides a platform to detail the research works of analytical expertise from various scientific backgrounds and the same can be perceived by young researchers and students. The conference mainly aims to promulgate knowledge on chromatography and unveil the advances in HPLC techniques. Both life sciences and chemical sciences need analytical techniques in course of research work and therefore HPLC Congress 2016 would be a perfect venue to share and develop knowledge on key analytical tools.


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5716 Corsa Ave, Suite 110 Westlake, Los Angeles CA 91362-7354, USA