29 April, 2015    伦敦 , 英国
Capita's Preparing for the Implementation of the New A Levels Conference comes at an important junction for A Level reform. The Department for Education and Ofqual have published the final subject content for subjects due for teaching in 2016, and schools are currently preparing for the teaching of facilitating subjects such as English and the Sciences from this September.

David Igoe, Cherry Ridgeway, Chair:Simon Jarvis, Margaret Farragher, Dr Samina Khan, Andrew Harland, Angela Milln, Paul Teulon, Shirley Brookes-Mills,Helen Simon, Fiona McCloskey


Location: Central London
联系 Twickenham , United Kingdom


Capital Exhibition and Conference Corporation
4th Floor Barnard’s Inn 86 Fetter Lane London EC4A 1EN
+86 (10) 85583883