October 29 - 30, 2013    Kuwait , 科威特
EDUTECH Offers...
New business leads - meet decision makers, leaders, direct buyers and launch new products among a focused target audience
Maximum exposure - attracting over 3,000 unique visitors including officials from the education sector, decision makers and teaching staffs
Chance to be ahead of your competitors - Be noticed among the crowds with focused marketing activities
Dedicated focus on the specific visitor group: Primary | Secondary | Leaders| Private schools |Higher Education | Workplace learning | Academies
EVENT Highlights:
Rethinking Physical-Learning-Virtual Spaces
Leadership, Technology and Education
Beyond Classroom Walls: Cloud Computing for Education
Kuwait MOE Vision Vis-a-Vis Planned Educational Projects


Location: Crowne Plaza Kuwait
联系 P.O. Box 18544 Kuwait , Kuwait


Kuwait EduTech October 29 - 30, 2013
Kuwait EduTech October 9 - 10, 2012
Kuwait EduTech October 18 - 20, 2011