March 15 - 16, 2013    底特律 MI , 美国
Say "the cottage" to almost any Michigander and memories rush forward like waves: the screech of gulls, or the squeal of old oarlocks; falling asleep to the rhythm of the surf, or waking to a chorus of frogs; sand in the sheets, or fish scales in the sink. Mostly, though, they're memories of family, because here in the Great Lake State the cottage is a tradition that's handed down from one generation to the next.


Friday, 3pm - 9pm
Saturday,10am - 9pm
Sunday, 11am - 5pm


Location: DeVos Place
DeVos Place® is a premier convention center located in downtown Grand Rapids. Nestled beside the Grand River, the picturesque riverfront setting is the perfect backdrop for your convention or..
联系 303 Monroe Ave NW , MI 49503-2233 Grand Rapids , USA