17 November, 2011    Palm Beach FL , 美国
This 3-hr FDA audit & Inspection training will focus on ideas that will help identify areas of improvement before the formal inspection occurs. Further, you will learn techniques that will enhance your effectiveness during the audit execution.

Many companies fail to prepare adequately for regulatory audits. Since inspectors can also appear unannounced, it is imperative to develop a compliance mindset so your facility is ready at all times for audits.

Are you prepared for a surprise inspection?
Do your employees know how to conduct themselves during an audit?
Are you confident in your ability to respond to difficult questions related to your manufacturing process?

Areas Covered in the Seminar:

Understand the basis for regulatory audits.
Review the most likely areas for scrutiny.
Establish effective systems that will pass inspections with ease.
Learn how to defend your work practices in front of auditors.
Develop self-audits that reduce the chances for FDA scrutiny.
Rehearse effectively for regulatory audits.
Direct audits to your strengths while minimizing weaknesses.


Location: Webinar Venue
联系 none Palm Beach , USA