July 14 - 17, 2011    Lysa nad Labem , 捷克
This show is every year a feast for all lovers of fragile beauty of flowers and because of the term are just prázdninovému Flowers pleasant days to summer vacation.
Traditionally, most attention of visitors attracted by attractive floral arrangements, creating an experienced team of the Czech Gardening Association, and the vast area of ​​2160 square meters.

Since the last time people are turning back to nature and the herbs are becoming popular again, we have, after the great success of last year, to prepare herbs exhibition entitled PLANTS TO ENHANCE THE ORGANISM AND HEALTH, where visitors can see how the herbs are grown, used and in what form we meet them in stores. New this year will be a separate exhibition of Sea buckthorn - a plant having an emergency food and medicinal properties, which are represented as individual producers rakytníkových products and gardening ensure its propagation. There will also be an annual exhibition of relaxing over a bonsai exhibition.

V rámci doprovodného programu výstavy Květy 2011 se bude pořádat tradiční soutěž o nejkrásněji osázenou nádobu či truhlík. In the program accompanying the exhibition Flowers of 2011 will hold a traditional competition of the most beautifully planted window box or container.


Location: VÝSTAVIŠTĚ Lysá nad Labem
联系 Masarykova ul. 1727 28922 Lysa nad Labem , Czech Republic
+420 (0)325552158