April 1 - 3, 2011    孟买 , 印度
IIT Delhi is organizing a National conference on ‘Excellence in Higher Education’ from April 1-3, 2011. The conference shall explore the issues of Leadership ,Curricula ,Assessment and Andragogy.

The development of a society in general and an individual in particular is closely linked to the educational attainments of its people, a doctrine that has perhaps remained unquestioned over a period of time. What however have been the topics of debate are the constituents and definitions, both of development and educational attainments.

Whereas development means different things to different people, the importance of education as a facilitator for development is commonly agreed upon. Economic prosperity, availability of consumable goods and per – capita energy consumption are some indicators of development. However, equity, quality of life and sustainability also merits attention. Clearly, sustainable development has quality education as a pre-requisite.


Location: IIT Bombay
联系 IIT Bombay , India Mumbai , India