June 15 - 18, 2011    内罗毕 , 肯尼亚
Afri-Tech is committed to bringing the practitioners and beneficiaries of Internet and Digital Media on a common platform – to craft practical solutions for the common man. Digital marketing tools have become a conduit for income and livelihood in some of the most disconnected regions of the world. It’s mission as a ‘Digital Marketing’ company can be captured in the following sentiments…

Unlock the true potential of Africa as a continent of skilled workers
Deliver the fruits of globalization and fair governance to the remotest areas of Africa
Afri-Tech pursues its agenda for social development with a fierce commitment. As part of this pursuit, it is actively involved in delivering the fruits of Internet based technologies and digital business tools to some of the most untapped business regions of the world like – The African subcontinent. It executes its theme of ‘grassroots level revolution towards adoption of technology’ by organizing seminars, road shows and summits in Africa – bringing the pundits of digital marketing and the business owners on the same platform.


Location: Kenyatta International Conference Center
The Kenyatta International Conference Centre has over time distinguished itself as a premier meeting place. Lying on plush 1.6944 hectares stretch of land right within the central business district of..
联系 Harambee Avenue P.O. Box 30746-00100 NAIROBI Nairobi , Kenya
+254 (0)20/247277
