November 14 - 16, 2011    阿尔及尔 , 阿尔及利亚
7th AEW Expo is your gateway to the most promising emerging markets in Africa. Companies from around the world powerfully promote their products in Algeria to top manufacturers, importers and retailers through this forum. It's the best way for exporters to establish lucrative relationships with business leaders from all over Algeria.

Through the 7th AEW Expo, you will have an opportunity to meet thousands of Algerian executives seeking partnerships with their international counterparts.


Location: Safex Exhibition Park
La Société Algérienne des Foires et Exportations (Safex - SPA) est une entreprise publique issue de la transformation de l’objet social et de la dénomination de l'Office National des Foires et..
联系 Exhibition Center Pins Maritimes 16000 ,Algeria Algiers , Algeria