May 14 - 15, 2011    Patna , 印度
Exhibitor Profile:
1. Engineering, IT Colleges in various fields. 4. International Universities, Programmes and Institutions.
2. Management Institutes & Professional Courses. 5. Financial Institution & Banks.

3. Computer Education and Technical Institutes. 6. Vocational Training Career Prospects & Coaching Institutes.

Come to India – increase your chances to recruit Indian students.

Infra Educa Education Fairs are the biggest and more known educational events inIndia. Held every year they are an information exchange forums for higher education in India and Abroad, offering direct, comprehensive and precise information for students and parents. For the past 8 years Infra Educa Fairs have each time attracted up to 50 thousand visitors; upper secondary school students and their parents, university students and teachers.

The Fairs serves as a reliable platform of communication between Indian students and Foreign Schools.

Infra Educa educational events bring the world’s finest academic institutions into direct contact with Indian students looking for study abroad opportunities.

Why You should participate in Infra Educa

The show will also be a platform for:
1. Interaction with the Students and Parents
2. Loan Arrangement with the Banks for the students
3. University tie-ups.
4. Interaction with the Local Agents & Consultants.
5. The Education Institute who will be at the Exhibition will Recruit the Students for admissions on the spot.
6. Seminar & Networking Session: The eminent Professors, Professionals, will address the Students and share the knowledge, Display of the latest innovative technologies in the Field of Education.


Location: Taramandal
联系 Patna , India


INFRAEDUCA - Patna June 5 - 6, 2013
INFRAEDUCA - Patna May 27 - 28, 2012
INFRAEDUCA - Patna May 14 - 15, 2011
INFRA EDUCA - Hisar July 4 - 5, 2009