February 19 - 21, 2010    阿姆斯特丹 , 荷兰
p> A Conference that Can Change the Life of an At-Promise Student

believes students are "at-promise," not "at-risk." All students have
the potential to achieve success - in school and in the workforce. It
takes the community working together. The At+Promise Conference makes that happen with the tools, methods, and support to reach at-promise students and help them change struggle into success.


Location: Amsterdam RAI International Exhibition Center
Amsterdam RAI is conveniently located just south of the city centre. It benefits from excellent access by road and the efficient Dutch public transport system. It is within a few minutes of the city..
联系 Europaplein 22, P. O. Box 77777 GZ Amsterdam , Netherlands
+31 (0) 20 549 12 12


Annual Reaching At Promise Students February 19 - 21, 2010