May 11 - 13, 2010    悉尼 , 澳大利亚
MEDICAL FAIR AUSTRALIA will be held for the second time at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Darling Harbour in Sydney, Australia.

With the challenge to improve patient care and tightening up treatment procedures to relieve the burden of costs, all sectors of the Australian medical industry are being pushed to attain a truly high level of performance.

Visitng MEDICAL FAIR AUSTRALIA 2010 will present the perfect opportunity for medical professionals, wholesales and distributors to keep one step ahead, make informed purchasing decisions, stay on top of the latest developments, get to know all the new players and establish new distribution rights.

Set to feature over 130 Australian and international exhibitors representing manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors from innovative small businesses to medium-sized companies and global players, what is on show will have the dual effect of both improving treatment procedures and rationalising costs for end users.

There is no better platform for medical suppliers, industry professionals, hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, government bodies and other healthcare professionals to meet representatives from the worlds leading companies, network with peers and source buying needs than MEDICAL FAIR AUSTRALIA.

Opening Hours:
11 - 12 May
9.00am to 5.00pm
13 May
9.00am to 4.00pm

Admission: FREE ENTRY. Open to trade visitors and professionals only


Location: Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre
With its prime Sydney waterfront location and world-class facilities, Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre is Australia’s largest and most successful venue for conferences, exhibitions and special..
联系 Darling Drive DARLING HARBOUR Sydney , Australia
61 2 9282 5000
