January 29 - 30, 2010    赫尔辛基 , 芬兰
Educan exhibition presents the different areas of teaching learning materials, teaching aids, information technology solutions and services for industry and new releases. Included are more than 210 exhibitors!

Opening Hours:
Fri 29/1/2010 at 10 to 18
Sat 30/1/2010 at 10 to 17


Location: Helsingin Messukeskus
Helsingin Messukeskus is Finland´s largest Conference and Exhibition Centre. There are 45 000 sq m exhibition space in six separate halls. The largest auditorium, Hall 1, seats a total of 4,400..
联系 Messuaukio 1, P.O.Box 21, FIN-00521 Helsinki , Finland
+358 (0)9/1509-1