Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands 2008
会议 > Leisure, Vacation 会议 > Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands
November 11 - 13, 2008
Hardenberg , 荷兰
Location: Evenementenhal Hardenberg
Hardenberg event is the first establishment of Evenementenhal
Holding BV die haar deuren geopend heeft voor expositie van vakbeurzen en evenementen. Holding BV, which opened its doors for exhibition..
Energieweg 2 7772 TV Hardenberg , Netherlands
+31 (0)523/289898
Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands November 6 - 8, 2012
Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg November 8 - 10, 2011
Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands 15 November, 2010
Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands November 10 - 12, 2009
Recreatie Vakbeurs Hardenberg - Recreation Meeting Point for the North and East Netherlands November 11 - 13, 2008