September 21 - 22, 2013    Москва , Россия
The number of Russian's now actively seeking health treatment abroad rose 47% in the last year making it one of the fastest growing sectors worldwide. It is now reputedly estimated that more than 70,000 affluent Russians travel each year for medical treatments abroad spending in excess of US$.1 billion annually.

The Moscow MEDSHOW 21&22 September is the only specialised B2C event in Moscow that brings you into direct contact with potential Russian clients. Our highly targeted marketing and promotions attract a high quality visitor actively seeking information and consultations on medical treatment abroad.

The Moscow MedShow is an effective professional B2C event that will bring you in direct contact with your target audience - affluent Russians looking for Medical treatment abroad.

Who should participate?
• Specialised hospitals and clinics
• Medical evaluation and treatment centres
• Global healthcare providers
• Spa & Health resorts
• Treatment centres
• Rehabilitation centres
• Weight loss centres
• Medical Holiday package providers
• Dental centres
• Alternative medical/lifestyle providers

Место проведения

Location: Tishinka T Module
Обратная связь h.1 bldg. 1, Tishinskaya square Moscow , Russia


Russia, Moscow, 3rd Frunzenskaya, 5, build. 1, office 1
+7 495 926 9695

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Moscow MedShow September 21 - 22, 2013