September 24 - 27, 2013    Москва , Россия

The 12th International specialized exhibition Fire Safety of the XXI Century is focused on demonstration of the latest advanced achievements in prevention and extinguishing of fires in cities, settlements, large forests, places of extraction and transportation of oil and gas, fuel-energy complex, medical, public and cultural facilities. The project is an effective tool of fire safety education of population, protection of property of citizens and facilities of various forms of ownership.

Место проведения

Location: Crocus Expo
International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo is one of the new, modern and future exhibition sites worldwide. The absolute leader in the size of exhibition space. The total area of three pavilions of..
Обратная связь Krasnogorsk, 65-66 km Ring Road, Trade and Exhibition Complex Crocus City Moskva 143400 Moscow , Russia
+7 (495) 727-2524, 727-2626, 727-11-38

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Fire Safety of the XXI century September 13 - 16, 2011