November 4 - 5, 2010    Порденоне , Италия
Companies Students Meeting is an important trade fair held in Pordenone and offers a vast landscape and updated in the workplace and training internationally. Gli studenti ed i neo – laureati possono informarsi sui corsi universitari ei master post laurea presenti su tutto il territorio nazionale ed in Europa. Students and neo - graduates can find out about university courses and master's degree present all over the country and in Europe. Gli studenti, inoltre, hanno la possibilità di incontrare numerose aziende liete di proporre interessanti percorsi professionali, mentre, le istituzioni possono promuovere nuovi progetti formativi. Students also have the opportunity to meet many companies happy to offer attractive career paths, while institutions can promote new training projects.

Opening Hours:
04/11 to 05/11 ,2010

Место проведения

Location: Pordenone Fiere
Six major professional Trade Fairs, a wide variety of events for the public, many seminars, conventions, meetings and congresses: thanks to a new company structure and a modern fairground, Pordenone..
Обратная связь Viale Treviso 1 33170 PORDENONE (PN) Pordenone , Italy
+39 0434 232111