October 8 - 10, 2018
4th Edition of World Congress on Cancer Survivorship, Prevention and Management, organised in 2018 September 03-04, EuroSciCon and the National Cancer Institute’s Office of Cancer Survivorship, serves an environment for scientist, , cancer survivors, advocates, program planners, students and public health experts to know about existing and evolving cancer survivorship research. This meeting will contains two days of discussion on the preventions and management of preventing the various types of cancer as well as drive this conference with new kind of ideas for preventing the cause cancer to the mankind and Treatment of the Organ-related Cancers and its pioneering techniques. It exhibit’s the chief interdisciplinary stage to experts, professionals and teachers to display and discuss about the latest advancements in the fields of haematology. It is critical for oncologists to keep rationalizes the novel advancements in oncology and management of HEMATOLOGY. It enriches the cancer research with goal of increasing the cancer free people in the world.


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EuroSciCon Ltd
Highstone House, 165 High Street, Barnet, Herts. EN5 5SU, UK.
07507 799380