February 10 - 11, 2016    ロンドン , 英国
The volume of data within the public sector is now at a larger size than ever before. Within this volume, it can be difficult to utilise the data used for management and analysing performance.

Measuring the correct Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) can help your organisation to improve outcomes, enhance productivity and demonstrate value for money that taxpayers demand.

Event Time: 9:15 am to 4:15 pm.
Event Category: Classes / Courses | Professional Training | Classes, Courses & Workshops.
URLs: Website: http://atnd.it/37999-0
Booking: http://atnd.it/37999-1
Twitter: http://atnd.it/37999-2
Prices: Central Government: GBP 495, Local Government: GBP 445, Education, Health, Charities: GBP 445, Crime/Emergency Services, NDPBs, Associations: GBP 445.


Location: The Hatton
連絡先 51-53 Hatton Garden Twickenham , United Kingdom


Understanding ModernGov
10 Buckingham Place, London, SW1E 6HX
0800 542 9440
