19 August, 2015    Palm Beach FL , 米国
Quality Agreements and Annual Inspections Instructor: Jerry Dalfors Product ID: 500967 Description This webinar will discuss how parties involved in purchasing critical raw materials can generate patient risk and when the contract manufacturing of drugs have to utilize quality agreements to assure drug quality, safety, and efficacy. Make sure our current thinking on defining, establishing, and documenting the responsibilities of each party (or all parties) involved in the contract manufacturing of drugs subject to Current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) as well as vendors supplying product specific raw materials unique to the product. Quality agreements are required for the commercial manufacturing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs or drug substances, or their intermediates), as well as finished drug products from a CMO, combination products, and biological drug products. The intent of this webinar is to ensure we gain the proper perspective of the terms related with “manufacturing” which includes processing, packing, holding, labeling operations, testing, and operations of the Quality Unit. Why Should you Attend Manufacturing pharmaceutical products or materials may involve many discrete unit operations and activities. The entire process may be conducted by the owner of the drug, or, alternatively, the owner may engage an outside party or parties to complete the entire manufacturing process, or one or more discrete operations, under the contract. In this document, when discussing the roles and responsibilities of the parties to such contractual relationships, we will refer to the party that introduces (or causes the introduction of) a drug into interstate commerce as the Owner of the drug, whether such drug is covered by a marketing application/license or no. In this guidance, outside entities performing manufacturing operations for the product Owner are called Contracted Facilities. Objectives of the Presentation Defining the who and what of contract m


Location: Webinar Venue
連絡先 none Palm Beach , USA


2600 E. Bayshore Road Palo Alto, CA 94303