July 16, 2014 - October 31, 2015    Palm Beach FL , 米国

Datastage online training DataStage is really a central filestore having several benefits:
1. Security controls that permit scientists to really have a "private " spot simply accessible to themselves and also the group leader, and " that is shared " and "collaborative" places to place documents of good use towards the research collection that is total.
2. Web program allowing people to annotate their documents, and access info from outside their "residence" pc.
3. Data to be sent by the choice to some database for storage that is lasting Datastage online training.


Location: Webinar Venue
連絡先 none Palm Beach , USA



Datastage Online Training September 3, 2014 - June 19, 2015
Datastage Online Training July 16, 2014 - October 31, 2015