September 25 - 27, 2013     , ポーランド
19th International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL.
2500 trade fair visitors, over 400 conference, congress and workshop participants, life demonstration of machines in operation – for the first time in Poland, and exceptionally large number of medals, distinctions and mentions – the 17th International Fair of Technologies for Foundry METAL, the 10th International Fair of Aluminium & Technology, Materials and Non-Ferrous Metal Products ALUMINIUM & NONFERMET and the 15th Fair of Industrial Measuring Technology and Non-Destructive Testing CONTROL-TECH

The METAL fair held in Targi Kielce is the biggest fair event devoted to foundry engineering in Poland and one of the biggest events of this kind in Europe.


Location: Targi Kielce
Targi Kielce have the second largest in the country of its own exhibition space. As the only center in Poland, Targi Kielce company a market advantage for the presentation of dynamic heavy..
連絡先 Zakładowa 1, 25-672 Kielce , Poland
+4841 365 12 22