March 26 - 28, 2013    Palm Beach FL , 米国
 The International Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (International ASET Inc.) is pleased to organize the 2013 International Conference on Virtual Worlds and Education (ICVWE'13).

ICVWE is a specialized conference covering all topics relating to virtual worlds and education; such as virtual reality, human computer interaction, animation, graphics and scene rendering, social networks, education, learning, and teaching are welcome. This conference is one of the first, if not the first, to completely take place in a virtual environment. In cooperation with AvayaLive, this immersive experience will be an amazing opportunity to witness firsthand the functionality of an avatar-based virtual environment used for education purposes, namely an academic conference.


Location: Webinar Venue
連絡先 none Palm Beach , USA


International ASET Inc.
1376 Bank St., Unit # 215 Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1H 7Y3
+1-613-695 3040