August 21 - 23, 2011    Hardenberg , オランダ
Trendz Hardenberg and Gorinchem the venue where all the latest trends in the extensive field of decoration and home & living, kitchen & dinner, toys, gifts, art and fun, souvenirs, Christmas hampers and gifts, jewelry and accessories and other business related items on display are made.

Manufacturers, importers, retailers, agents, retailers, designers and creative inspiration that they need and want ideas for doing business in the sphere of 'trend-sensitive enjoy' meet interested visitors from the industry. They can not only ideas and inspiration, but can also enrich your products.

Professional, business and hospitable, that is the atmosphere of the stock purchase Trendz offers you in addition to offering the latest products also your relational contacts.


Location: Evenementenhal Hardenberg
Hardenberg event is the first establishment of Evenementenhal Holding BV die haar deuren geopend heeft voor expositie van vakbeurzen en evenementen. Holding BV, which opened its doors for exhibition..
連絡先 Energieweg 2 7772 TV Hardenberg , Netherlands
+31 (0)523/289898


Trendz - Najaarseditie August 18 - 20, 2015
Trendz - Najaarseditie August 18 - 20, 2014
Trendz - Najaarseditie August 18 - 20, 2013
Trendz - Najaarseditie August 19 - 21, 2012
Trendz - Najaarseditie August 21 - 23, 2011