March 4 - 9, 2010    Novi Sad , セルビア・モンテネグロ
"Ambijenta" is an especially good opportunity for a different approach to promoting furniture, producers, interior decoration and spatial solutions in combination with displayed furniture, as well as for creative and aesthetic solutions in our environments.
Promoting this profession is also one of the features promoted through organising meetings with current topics presenting new ideas, helping to establish contacts between designers, producers and customers and offering possible solutions in environment decoration.


Location: Novosadski Sajam
The "Master" Congress Centre is a new prestigious venue which makes it possible for the Novi Sad Fair to professionally organise different congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, promotions,..
連絡先 21000 , Hajduk Veljkova 11 Novi Sad , Serbia & Montenegro
+381 (0)21/483-00-00, 483-00-01