October 5 - 6, 2011    Maputo , モザンビーク
Mozambique’s ICT sector has been transformed with the landing of the country’s first undersea fibre cable last year. The National ICT Congress will provide an ideal opportunity for the country’s ICT managers and professionals to assess the impact this transformation has had on their organisations and what are the optimum strategies and technologies they should deploy to maximise the benefits. In addition, the exhibition will provide a platform for vendors to promote and launch their new and improved ICT products and services to decision-makers in government and business.

Who should exhibit

The expo is a showcase for Information and Communication Technology products and services and therefore invites all companies involved in this sector. These will include Telecommunication Service Providers, Mobile Phone Operators, Computer Hardware Resellers, Computer Accessories Suppliers, Software Developers, Web Solutions Developers, Systems Integrators, ICT Consultants, Training, Internet Service Providers, Data Operators, Communication Equipment Resellers and ICT Projects and Programmes.


The exhibition will run in tandem with a conference on the latest developments in the ICT sector. Areas that will be discussed include: Policy, legal and regulatory issues, applications and new technologies. Some of the areas to be covered will include mBanking, eCommerce, mGovernment, eHeath, eProcurement, eSecurity, Policy and Strategies on Telecommunication Infrastructure Development, Datawarehousing, Security and Rural Connectivity.


Location: Centro Internacional de Conferencia Joaquim Chissano
連絡先 Maputo , Mozambique