September 8 - 11, 2015    Coimbra , Portogallo
- LNCS/LNAI Proceedings (springer)
- Special issue of the journal Artificial Intelligence and Medicine with selected papers*

Every day medicine is facing new challenges: new diseases, cost reductions, new therapeutics, quick decisions and make more with less. Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play an important role in the decision making process, most concretely in the way the data of the patients are collected, treated, processed and presented as well to test and simulate new treatments, scenarios and devices. The big question to be answered is: How Artificial Intelligence can help to overcome these challenges and provide new and efficient solutions to medicine?

All papers should be submitted in PDF format through EPIA’2015 submission Website. Submissions must be original and can be of two types: regular (full-length) papers should not exceed twelve (12) pages in length, whereas short papers should not exceed six (6) pages. Each submission will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the Program Committee. The reviewing process is double blind. The best accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published by Springer in the LNAI series (previous EPIA proceedings were indexed by the Thomson ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, DBLP and ACM digital library). The remaining accepted papers will be published in the local proceedings with ISBN.

*Authors of the best papers presented at the AIM track of EPIA will be invited to submit extended versions of their manuscripts for a special issue of the “Artificial Intelligence in Medicine”, indexed at ISI Web of Knowledge (ISI impact factor JCR2013 of 1.356): Artificial Intelligence and Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine and health care.


Location: University of Coimbra Polo I
Contatta Coimbra , Portugal


University of Minho
School of Engineering Department of Production and Systems Campus de Azurém 4800 058 Guimarães
+351 253 510 342

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