February 24 - 25, 2015    Orlando FL , Stati Uniti
Electronic data capture systems had revolutionized the way clinical trials are performed. E-clinical technology is getting more sophisticated every year; and every year it faces new challenges and changes induced by the changing landscape of clinical research industry and healthcare IT in general. Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s Seventh Annual Electronic Data in Clinical Trials conference is designed to bring together experts in clinical IT from pharmaceutical and biotech companies as well as from CROs to discuss the novel technologies and strategies to increase effectiveness and accuracy of clinical trials.

Tuesday | Wednesday | Track Brochure | Full Event Brochure
Stay on for Part 2: Leveraging Clinical Trial Data


Location: Hyatt Regency Miami
Contatta 400 SE 2nd Ave. Orlando , USA


Cambridge Healthtech Institute
250 First Avenue Suite 300 Needham, MA 02494
888-999-6288, 781-972-5400

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