17 July, 2014    Palm Beach FL , Stati Uniti
Overview: This webinar will explain how to design and implement applications for Google Glass using the Glass Development Kit (GDK) with Xamarin.Android and C#. The GDK is an Android SDK add-on that contains APIs for android specific capabilities. Xamarin.Android is a toolset that allows .NET code in C# to run on Android devices and which provides the power of the C# language and .NET framework while not limiting any device capabilities and significantly greater productivity than native development for Glass.

The webinar will start with a brief overview of the Glass device to familiarize those who have not used the device, followed with an overview of design principles for services that run on the device to provide user experience. These patterns can feel different to many developers coming from desktop or non-Android environments, so this will familiarize the attendee with how the Glass user expects their experience. We will then dive directly into coding for the device using Xamarin.Android and C# using Visual Studio 2013. I'll demonstrate how to get a basic static card application created and running on the device and which is activated by voice command from the home screen of Glass. To that application we will add menus to demonstrate how to allow the user to navigate in the application.


Location: Webinar Venue
Contatta none Palm Beach , USA


161 Mission Falls Lane, Suite 216, Fremont, CA 94539, USA.