May 23 - 26, 2013    Khabarovsk , Russia

“Architecture, Building industry of the Far East region 2013”

Product Categories

"Architecture, Building Industry of the Far East":
architectural designs, plans, solutions, equipment, technologies, techniques, materials and tools for the construction industry, engineering and building maintenance.Finishing, decorative materials for construction and repair."City Ecology":Urban infrastructure, technology, machinery and equipment for municipal services.Wood Building.Development: the control and supervision, investment, insurance, real estate transactions.


Location: Khabarovsk International Fair
Contatta Russia, 680033, , 204 Tikhookeanskaya street Postal address: Russia, 680000, -center, p/box # 13/1 Khabarovsk , Russia
(+7)(4212) 566129, 564736, 566882, 561970, 569043