April 10 - 12, 2013    Kharkiv , Ukraine
WasteECo 2013 - a complex event ptogram which incluides:

• An exhibition on environmental technology and management of solid waste,wastewater and air emissions

• Conferences,specialized seminars and workshops

• Technical tour

Such an approach would effectively combine the demonstration of advanced technologies and equipment to the discussion of problems,wgich will bring together key players in the market of waste.

Exhibit themes of the conference:

• Collection,storage,transportation,processing solid waste, industrial agricultural wastes,recycling

• Recycled products

• Energy from waste

• Hazardous waste treatment

and many more.

Target audience:

industrial,municipal and agricultural enterprises,research and development organizations,private business,financial institutions,leasing,insurance and investment companies,power structures,associations and all who are associated with waste management.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Sports Complex of KhPI
Contact Artyoma str., 50a, , Ukraine Kharkiv , Ukraine


P. O. B. 81 Kharkiv, 61052