November 13 - 15, 2012    Moscou , Russie
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) holds the annual International Conference “Aviation and Cosmonautics”.
Subject area of conference covers the most important questions of aerospace industry giving a view of its condition. These are questions of achievements and the most important problems of aerospace branch directions. Which defines the level of engineering and science development in the country.

Directions of work at conference:
• aviation systems
• rocket and space systems
• power installations of aviation, rocket and space systems
• information and telecommunication technologies of aviation, rocket and space systems
Works in fields of mathematics and economy in aviation and space branches and also of aerospace complex history are allowed to participate in conference.

Every year more than 500 people become the participants of “Aviation and Cosmonautics”. Among them: scientists and experts — representatives of aerospace agencies, professors, research officers, postgraduate students and students of Russia and near and far abroad.

For discussion of prospective directions in aerospace branch, decisions of present problems, experience and knowledge exchange between main research and production enterprises and institutes of higher education of country we invite all the comers to take part in the 11th International Conference “Aviation and Cosmonautics”, which takes place from 13th to 15th November, 2012 in Moscow Aviation Institute.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Contact Волоколамское шоссе, д. 4, г.Москва, Russia, 125993 Moscow , Russia
8 (499) 158-00-02


Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Волоколамское шоссе, д. 4, г.Москва, Russia, 125993
8 (499) 158-00-02

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