December 5 - 9, 2011    Mountain View CA , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
UP 2011 is developed to promote collaborative analysis of the latest trends and challenges in cloud computing and ICT, looking at core process and strategies in the rapidly shifting world. We create thought provoking conference panels, workshops, and tutorials which are selected to cover a range of the hottest topics in ICT.

Event tracks cover following areas:

1. Cloud for Business.
2. Technology & Innovation.
3. Cloud For Public Sector.
4. Industry Implementation Insights.
5. Governance & Enforcement.
6. Research & Findings.

About Conference

UP conference is the premier cloud computing event, covering latest trends and innovations in the world of cloud computing. It was founded in 2010 by Cloudcor Inc® - a global alliance of professionals in cloud computing and an international cloud aggregation centre-point, providing global directions and best practices around the future of Cloud Computing.

The event is hybrid in delivery model which has both virtual and physical elements. UP 2011 Live event takes place Day 1 & Day 2 (December 5 - 6) at the Computer History Museum, Mountain View California USA

Second annual UP 2011 Cloud Computing conference follows on from the successes of inaugural UP 2010 last year, which provided a communication platform like no other event. Conference panels, workshops, and tutorials are selected to cover a range of the hottest topics in cloud computing. An international network of cloud computing thought leaders from thousands of organisations and individuals participated, creating a fresh, objective and positive outlook on Cloud Computing.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Computer History Museum
Contact 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd , CA 94043 Mountain View , USA

Evénements Liés

UP Cloud Computing Conference 12 December, 2012
UP Cloud Computing Conference December 5 - 9, 2011
UP Cloud Computing Conference November 15 - 19, 2010