3 October, 2010    NO CITY WA , Etats-Unis d’Amérique
More than 35 dealers will be on hand with stamps and covers from around the world on display. There is
19th century material, modern issues, supplies, collections, dealer lots, postcards and free stamp collecting
literature. Dealers also can provide free appraisals, may even purchase material on the spot, and can answer
visitors’ questions on buying, selling or caring for a collection.

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Rochester USA
Contact NO CITY , USA

Evénements Liés

RS Stamp Show - August 15 August, 2012
RS Stamp Show - August 15 August, 2011
RS Stamp Show - August 3 October, 2010
RS Stamp Show - August 15 August, 2010
RS Stamp Show - August 2 August, 2009