October 11 - 14, 2012    Vienne , Autriche
exhibition Profile
The WOHNDESIGN is an extraordinary place to meet new and innovative furniture studio craft, a young designer and a demanding affluent audience. The WOHNDESIGN year brings a compact, competent overview of design highlights and creative diversity of the Austrian and international furniture scene and takes its visitors on a stylish, elegant and valued world of living

High quality furniture design, innovative design, elegant kitchens, bath / spa wellness focus, unique, Austrian carpentry, home theater, lighting, accessories, garden

€ 13, - Day ticket
€ 10, - for groups of 10 / per person
Free admission for students (with ID up to 27)

Lieux de Rendez-Vous

Location: Hofburg Congress Center
Contact Heldenplatz 1014 Wien Vienna , Austria
+43 (0)1/5873666