Expo Carga
подробности June 8 - 10, 2010
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
It is a specialized national and international event in the field of transportation of cargo that consists of three main activities: *..
подробности June 7 - 9, 2011
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
It is a national and international event industry that specializes in transportation of cargo that consists of three main activities: Exhibition..
подробности June 4 - 8, 2012
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
Load CWA-Expo is the platform where 18,000 industry experts and foreign trade cargo converge to do business in the Americas, Europe, Asia and the..
подробности June 11 - 13, 2013
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
CWA - Expo Carga is the platform where 18,000 industry experts and foreign trade cargo converge to do business between American Latin, Europe, Asia..
подробности June 3 - 5, 2014
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
Es el evento líder en América Latina donde se dan cita los principales actores de la transportación de carga y comercio exterior..
подробности June 28 - 30, 2016
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
CWA - Expo Carga genera un modelo de negocios para las principales industrias de transporte de carga y logística, permitiendo así reunirse con..
подробности June 27 - 29, 2017
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
Is an ideal show to speed up the sales process in a directly and effectively way, giving simultaneous interaction with customers and prospects of..
подробности June 26 - 28, 2018
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
Evaluate your operation, competitiveness or market coverage through business appointments, experience zones, village, workshops, international..
подробности June 25 - 27, 2019
メキシコシティ, メキシコ
Expo Carga
CWA-Expo Carga is the Latin American event that offers great interaction between the offer of intermodal transport and importers and exporters..
подробности June 16 - 18, 2020
メキシコシティ, メキシコ