細部 May 26 - 30, 2009
メルボルン VIC, オーストラリア
Australian Opal Exhibition
Once again opal miners from all the Australian opal fields together with opal wholesalers,manufacturers will assemble together, for the eighth year,..
細部 August 5 - 6, 2010
Gold Coast, オーストラリア
CIFEX Gold Coast
Learn. Well‐known experts from all over the world and the local industries will share their wisdom with you on the hottest topics. Network. A unique..
細部 12 June, 2011
Gold Coast, オーストラリア
Since 1970, PacPrint has been showcasing the world's latest and most innovative printing and graphic communications technologies. Staged every four..
細部 May 21 - 25, 2013
メルボルン, オーストラリア
PacPrint 2013 was a big success in May last year, delivering a strong injection of positivity into all aspects of the printing and graphic..
細部 May 23 - 27, 2017
メルボルン, オーストラリア