Het Boekenfestijn - Book Festival
細部 February 25 - March 7, 2010
Leuven, ベルギー
ECO-THERAPEUTICA - Complementary Medicine Exhibition
ECO-Therapeutics is a successful and unique concept where two completely separate markets, one on complementary therapies and one on "spirituality"..
細部 March 6 - 7, 2010
Leuven, ベルギー
ECO-THERAPEUTICA - Complementary Medicine Exhibition
細部 February 26 - 27, 2011
Leuven, ベルギー
Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC)
The international workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimetre-wave Circuits (INMMIC) is a forum for promoting, discussing and spreading..
細部 April 2 - 4, 2014
Leuven, ベルギー
SAHC - International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions
The Raymond Lemaire Centre for Conservation and the Civil Engineering Department of the Catholic University Leuven, with the support of the UNESCO..
細部 September 13 - 15, 2016
Leuven, ベルギー
Hot Topic: Obesity and Reproduction - The cradle of epidemic
This two-day event offers an attractive balance between basic science, translational research and clinical practice. Topics such as the merit of..
細部 November 9 - 10, 2017
Leuven, ベルギー