Academia Syria
Academia Syria ® Forums were launched in Damascus-Syria for the first time in January 2004 for the purpose of uniting the cultural market in the..
détails February 16 - 18, 2010
Damas, Syrie
The International Forum for Higher Learning, Training and Recruitment - Academia Syria
Academia Syria ® Forums were launched in Damascus-Syria for the first time in January 2004 for the purpose of uniting the cultural market in the..
détails February 16 - 18, 2010
Damas, Syrie
The International Forum for Higher Learning, Training and Recruitment - Academia Syria
Participating in Academia Syria® Forum Will Offer All Universites / Colleges / Institutes Academia Syria® Forum will be your chance to..
détails February 8 - 10, 2011
Damas, Syrie
The International Forum for Higher Learning, Training and Recruitment - Academia Syria
Why in October? To gather all European and Amercian colleges and universities which will have a great opportunity to promote their programmes..
détails October 18 - 20, 2011
Damas, Syrie
Academia Syria
Academia Syria® Forums were launched in Damascus, Syria for the first time in January 2004 for the purpose of uniting the cultural market in the..
détails February 8 - 10, 2011
Damas, Syrie
The International Forum for Higher Learning, Training and Recruitment - Academia Syria
Academia Syria® Forums were launched in Damascus, Syria for the first time in January 2004 for the purpose of uniting the cultural market in the area..
détails July 10 - 12, 2012
Damas, Syrie