International Scientific Congress “The problem of the regulatory nature of the candidates’
Sectoral Congress: Legal science Field of research: General theory of law and constitutional (state) law The event is held in the remote-interactive..
Details November 20 - 27, 2012
Palm Beach FL, USA
International Scientific Congress “Precancerous lesions and changes of the stomach”
December 10 - 20, 2012 International Scientific Congress “Precancerous lesions and changes of the stomach” is going to be held.Sectoral Congress:..
Details December 10 - 20, 2012
Palm Beach FL, USA
Problems of combination of individualization and unification in language systems
International Academy of Sciences and Higher Education (Great Britain) and their partners invite you to take part in research analytics..
Details October 9 - 14, 2014
Palm Beach FL, USA
Advances in Cellular Therapy
Discussing advances in rapid disease diagnosis, infection control, and treatment for infectious diseases in the developing world.
Details September 12 - 14, 2017
Palm Beach FL, USA
Recruiting Trends and Talent Tech
Recruiting Trends and Talent Tech is the perfect mix of engaging presentations, focused workshops, peer-to-peer discussions and valuable networking..
Details November 28 - 30, 2017
Palm Beach FL, USA