June 18 - 19, 2015    Braga , Portugal

The Conference will take place at the School of Engineering, University of Minho, in Guimarães on the 18 and 19 of June 2015.

The conference is organized by the School of Engineering, University of Minho and the School of Economics and Management, University of Porto.
ICEE brings together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars from the energy and environment science community to interchange knowledge, to discuss and to disseminate new ideas towards a low-carbon, sustainable future. 

Keynote Speakers:Henrik Lund,Luc Hens

Submissions of extended abstracts:
Until January 15, 2015.
Paper acceptance notification:
until January 30, 2015.
Submissions of full paper (camera ready):
until March 15, 2015.
Early registration:
between September 3, 2014 and March 15, 2015.
Late registration:
between March 16 and June 15, 2015.
Registration deadline for inclusion in Book of Proceedings *:
May 30, 2015
*Only papers of participants registered until May 30, 2015 will be included in the Book of Proceedings.


Location: University of Minho
Contact Campus de Gualtar Braga , Portugal


University of Minho
School of Engineering Department of Production and Systems Campus de Azurém 4800 058 Guimarães
+351 253 510 342