June 3 - 5, 2013    Hong Kong , Hong Kong

The EDSSC, first initiated by IEEE ED/SSC Hong Kong Joint Chapter, has been a series of very successful conferences. It provides a stimulating environment for experts and academics to disseminate research and development results in the broad field of Electron Devices and Solid-State Circuits. In recent years, the conference has been held in various cities in Asia such as Tainan, Xian, Tianjin and Bangkok while returning back to Hong Kong in alternate years. 2013 marks a strategic year for conference. The 9th EDSSC will be shifted to the month of June as opposed to its customary date of December – an effort that we hope will bring even greater successes to EDSSC in the future.


Location: Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Contact Hung Hom Hong Kong , Hong Kong